Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"So the author has died (continued)" or "The Author is still dead"

"But there were literally hundreds of these essay periodicals that weren't canonical, and many of these were anonymously written. Or, I should say, pseudonymously, because one of the quickly-established features of the genre was an eponymous authorial persona. There were two Parrots, both written by parrots; a North Briton, written by an anonymous Scotsman; The Young Lady, written by a Young Lady, and so on."

I found this quote after ten or fifteen minutes of snooping around the list of links at our common "Critical Theory and the Academy" blog. Bitch Ph.D. has mentioned the concept of pseudonymity in the passage that I have pulled from her post entitled "Academic Blogging: Part 2".

You can find the post that I have mentioned right here.

I feel that this passage presents a situation where the author is represented in their works in 18th century essays. I think that the pseudonymity in the "anonymous" authorship is evidence that the work transcends the confines of the paper and exists in the author as well

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